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Extended Essay : Choose a Subject

Everything you need to know for the Extended Essay

Choosing a Subject for Your Extended Essay

Choosing a Subject for Your Extended Essay

Choose a subject and topic that interests you is key in writing a good extended essay. 

A major key to success is staying motivated throughout the EE process. So selecting an area interest and being able to explain what you're interested and why makes the process more enjoyable for all. 

Select one of the following DP subject areas for your Extended Essay exploration: 

  • English A
  • English B
  • Chinese A
  • Business Management
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • History
  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • SEHS(Sports, Exercise and Health Science)
  • Math
  • Music
  • Visual Arts

Need help in deciding which subject area to explore. Do the following: 

1. Review the EE guides for each subject go to the next page Educate Yourself and explore. 

2. Think about which subject area you enjoy the most and speak to that teacher

3. Do a basic search on some topics you may be interesting in exploring in your research