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Extended Essay : Drafting your essay

Everything you need to know for the Extended Essay

Paragraph Development

  • Indent the first line of each paragraph.
  • If a paragraph is nearly a page or more longer, then it is probably too long for the reader to contemplate and should be divided into smaller paragraphs.
  • Every paragraph needs to relate to the research question.
  • Helpful link for paragraph development.

Making an Argument

Using Evidence

Analysis vs. Summary

Summary: describes the evidence Analysis: an explanation of the evidence in terms of the answer to your research question in order to look for meaning in the following contexts:

Who: those involved

What: the event or topic being covered

When: time, period, era, night or day

Where: the location, distance, place

Why: the cause or causes

How: the process(es)

Relationships, trends, patterns

Roles of people, places, objects, situations

Consequences or results of events, decisions and processes

Causes and their effects

Advantages & disadvantages/ gains & losses


Words that Signify Analysis:  Although, šAccordingly, šAs a result, Because, But, Consequently, šDespite, šEven if, Even though, Therefore, Thus, While, Yet, while the…, Which allowed for…, Which resulted in the…, Which meant that…Furthermore, šHence, however (not the first word in sentence), In addition,  In particular, In spite of, Moreover, Nevertheless, šNotwithstanding, šRather, Reason, Regardless of, Since, The fact that…, The result was…, This why…, What this shows is…